terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

Turn off the lights;
Unplug the tv at night;
Unplug the computer;
Take showers;
Reuse  bottles;
Turn off the TV;
Reuse paper;
Unplug the DVD at night;
A: Hey, Maria, what are you downloading?
B: I`m downloading a video.
A: Cool. What video do you downloading?
B: It`s a video of Demi Lovato.
 She is texting a friend.

 She is calling someone.

 She is downloading a video.

 He is checking your e-mail.

 He is browsing the internet.

 She is playing a video game.

 He is chatting online.

 She is watching a DVD.

 She is writing.

 She is listening to music.