quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2015


Tokyo moved up from second place a year ago to become the world's most expensive city for expatriates.
Take - took;
Go - went;
Do - did;
Eat - ate;
Visit - visited;
Play - played;
Study - studied;
Swim - swan;
Like - liked;
Stop - stopped.

I went to Bahia in the summer of this year. Me and my Family. Went to the beach. I ate diferente food.

Koala bears almost exclusively eat only eucalyptus leaves and nothing else.

Dogs are friendlier than cats;
Cats are gentler than dogs;
Cats are more independent than dogs;
Dogs are more playful than cats;
Cats are more intelligent than dogs;
Dogs are more dangerous than cats;
Cats are cleaner than dogs.

Is the largest country in both South America;
It`s the world`s fifth largest country;
Brazil's large territory comprises different ecosystems;
It`s a tropical country; It`s a beautiful country.
Sweet- the sweetest
Angry- the angriest
Cold- the coldest
Cool- the coolest
Smart- the smartest
Famous- the most famous
Long- the longest 
Perfect- the most perfect
Thin- the thinnest
Smart- the smartest

quinta-feira, 18 de junho de 2015

writing page 46

Cats are the best pets!
My favorite pet is a cat. Cats are cuter than other pets. They are cleaner and more intelligent than dogs. I have a cat named Princes. She's brown and white, his eyes are blue. She's 3 years old. Princes like to sleep, My cat it's very friendly and gentler.